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REVISA (Online) ; 13(1): 102-113, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531982


Objetivo:Compreender o cenário atual da ELT-HS, caracterizado por sua fisiopatologia, manifestações clínicas, métodos diagnósticos e tratamentos. Método:Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, com caráter descritivo, de artigos indexados no Sistema de Análise e Recuperação da Literatura Médica Online MEDLINE/Pubmed, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde LILACS, e nas bases de dados Científicas Electronic Library Online (SciELO), pesquisados na período compreendido entre outubro de 2022 e março de 2023. Foram incluídos artigos em português e inglês que contemplassem os objetivos da revisão, publicados nos últimos dez anos (2011-2021).Resultados: Inicialmente foram encontrados 144 artigos nas bases de dados, que após a leitura, foramselecionados na pesquisa 40 artigos que correspondiam ao objetivo proposto. Os artigos analisados correspondem aos anos de 2011 a 2021. Conclusão:O tratamento cirúrgico da ELT-HS tem se mostrado eficaz para resolução completa das crises na maioria dos pacientes. O conhecimento sobre sua fisiopatologia, manifestações clínicas, diagnóstico e tratamentos são de fundamental importância para os médicos que atendem pacientes com epilepsia.

Objective: To understand the current scenario of TLE-HS, characterized by its pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods and treatments. Method:This is an integrative literature review with descriptive character, of articles indexed in the Medical Literature Analysis And Retrieval System Online MEDLINE/Pubmed, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences LILACS, and Scientic databases Electronic Library Online (SciELO), researched in the period between october 2022 and march 2023. Articles in Portuguese and English that contemplated the objectives of the review, published in the last ten years (2011-2021), were included. Results:Initially, 144 articles were found in the databases, which after reading, 40 articles were selected in the research that corresponded to the proposed objective. The articles analyzed are equivalent to the years 2011 to 2021. Conclusion:The surgical treatment of TLE-HS has been shown to be effective for the complete resolution of crises in most patients. Knowledge about its pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatments are of fundamental importance for physicians who treat patients with epilepsy

Objetivo: Comprender el escenario actual de la TLE-HS, caracterizado por su fisiopatología, manifestaciones clínicas, métodos diagnósticos y tratamientos. Método: Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica integradora con carácter descriptivo, de artículos indexados en el Sistema de Análisis y Recuperación de Literatura Médica en Línea MEDLINE/Pubmed, Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud LILACS, y bases de datos Scientic Electronic Library Online (SciELO), investigados en el período comprendido entre octubre de 2022 y marzo de 2023. Se incluyeron artículos en portugués e inglés que contemplaran los objetivos de la revisión, publicados en los últimos diez años (2011-2021). Resultados:Inicialmente se encontraron 144 artículos en las bases de datos, de los cuales luego de la lectura se seleccionaron 40 artículos en la investigación que correspondía al objetivo propuesto. Los artículos analizadoscorresponden a los años 2011 a 2021. Conclusión:El tratamiento quirúrgico del ELT-HS se ha mostrado eficaz para la resolución completa de las crisis en la mayoría de los pacientes. El conocimiento sobre su fisiopatología, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico y tratamientos es de fundamental importancia para los médicos que tratan pacientes con epilepsia

Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe , Epilepsy , Hippocampal Sclerosis
Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533508


Introducción: La epilepsia es un desorden caracterizado por la predisposición a generar crisis epilépticas, mientras que el síndrome de apnea del sueño (SAOS) ha sido reconocido como un desorden crónico de colapso intermitente de la vía aérea que genera hipoxia recurrente. En este trabajo se aplicó la escala de trastornos del sueño (Sleep Apnea Scale of the Sleep Disorders Questionnaire SA-SDQ), previamente validada en inglés para pacientes con epilepsia, a fin de determinar su capacidad para detectar apnea de sueño en nuestra población. Materiales y métodos: En una primera etapa se realizó la adaptación transcultural de la escala SA-SDQ en castellano, provista por los autores, al español colombiano. Luego se recopiló la información de los pacientes en quienes se realizó polisomnografía entre mayo y agosto del 2022 y se determinó el valor de corte para diagnosticar SAOS con la escala SA-SDQ. Resultados: Cuarenta pacientes pudieron realizarse la polisomnografía, de los cuales 30 (75 %) tuvieron índices de apnea-hipopnea superiores a 5, lo que indica SAOS. El área bajo la curva fue 0,790 y la puntuación SA-SDQ de 21 proporcionó una sensibilidad del 73,3 % (IC 53,83-87,02 %) y una especificidad del 80 % (IC 44,2-96,5 %). La consistencia interna fue aceptable (α = 0,713). Conclusiones: La escala SA-SDQ es un instrumento útil para tamizar SAOS en la población colombiana que padece epilepsia. Nuestros resultados indican que los puntos de corte sugeridos anteriormente (2936 para hombres y 26-32 para mujeres) pueden ser demasiado altos para nuestra población. Sugerimos un punto de corte de 21 para ambos.

Introduction: Epilepsy is a disorder characterized by a predisposition to have epileptic seizures, while sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) has been recognized as a chronic disorder of intermittent collapse of the airway that generates recurrent hypoxia. In this work, the sleep disorders scale (SA-SDQ) previously validated in English for patients with epilepsy was applied to determine its ability to detect sleep apnea in our population. Materials and methods: In the first stage, the cross-cultural adaptation of the SA-SDQ scale in Spanish provided by the authors was carried out into Colombian Spanish. then the information of the patients in whom polysomnography was performed between May and August 2022 was collected and the cut-off value was determined to diagnose OSAS with the SA-SDQ scale. Results: 40 patients were able to undergo polysomnography, of which 30 (75 %) had apnea-hypopnea indices greater than five, indicating OSAS. The area under the curve was 0.790 and the SA-SDQ score of 21 provided a sensitivity of 73.3 % (CI 53.83-87.02 %) and a specificity of 80 % (CI 44.2-96, 5 %). The internal consistency was acceptable (α = 0.713). Conclusions: The SA-SDQ scale is a useful instrument for screening OSAS in the Colombian population suffering from epilepsy. Our results indicate that the previously suggested cut-off points (29-36 for men and 26-32 for women) may be too high in our population. We suggest a cutoff of 21 for both.

Sleep Apnea, Obstructive , Sleep Disorders, Circadian Rhythm , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Epilepsy , Drug Resistant Epilepsy
Fronteiras na Neurociência ; 17(0): 1-7, 27/07/2023.
Article in English | LILACS, SES-RJ | ID: biblio-1451498


Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) therapy is an established treatment for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy that reduces seizure frequency by at least 50% in approximately half of patients; however, the characteristics of the patients with the best response have not yet been identified. Thus, it is important to identify the profile of patients who would have the best response to guide early indications and better patient selection.

A terapia com estimulação do nervo vago (ENV) é um tratamento estabelecido para pacientes com epilepsia resistente a medicamentos que reduz a frequência de crises em pelo menos 50% em aproximadamente metade dos pacientes; entretanto, as características dos pacientes com melhor resposta ainda não foram identificadas. Assim, é importante identificar o perfil de pacientes que teriam melhor resposta para orientar indicações precoces e melhor seleção de pacientes.

Neurosciences , Epilepsy , Vagus Nerve Stimulation , Drug Resistant Epilepsy , Seizures , Therapeutics
Femina ; 51(6): 368-373, 20230630. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512424


A decisão de escolha do método contraceptivo em situações clínicas especiais é desafiadora tanto para médicos quanto para pacientes. Em parte, isso se deve às contraindicações reais que alguns contraceptivos apresentam. Porém, há uma estreita relação com a falta de conhecimento e medo de muitos profissionais em prescrever métodos que, na realidade, são seguros. A má escolha do método contraceptivo para pacientes portadoras de condições específicas pode levar a diversos desfechos ruins, como piora da condição de base, ocorrência de eventos adversos indesejáveis e preveníveis e ocorrência de gravidez de alto risco indesejada. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma revisão na literatura com o objetivo de auxiliar profissionais médicos na decisão contraceptiva de pacientes portadoras de doenças reumatológicas e musculoesqueléticas, epilepsia, esclerose múltipla, transtornos alimentares, anemia falciforme e obesidade, e que já foram submetidas a cirurgia bariátrica.(AU)

The decision to choose the contraceptive method in special clinical situations is challenging for both physicians and patients. In part, this is due to the real contraindications that some contraceptives present. However, there is a close relationship with the lack of knowledge and fear of many professionals in prescribing methods that are actually safe. The poor choice of contraceptive method in patients with specific conditions can lead to several bad outcomes, such as worsening of the baseline condition, occurrence of undesirable and preventable adverse events and occurrence of an unwanted high-risk pregnancy. Thus, a literature review was carried out in order to assist medical professionals in the contraceptive decision of patients with rheumatological and musculoskeletal diseases, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, eating disorders, sickle cell anemia, obesity and who have already undergone bariatric surgery.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Contraception/adverse effects , Contraception/methods , Rheumatic Diseases , Women's Health , Health Personnel , Epilepsy , Family Development Planning
Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(1): 14-19, ene.-mar. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429569


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La neurocisticercosis es una infección del sistema nervioso central causada por el estadio larvario del cestodo Taenia solium, y se estima que puede ocasionar hasta 30% de los casos de epilepsia en los países donde esta parasitosis es endémica. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la frecuencia de pacientes que presentaron epilepsia como secuela de neurocisticercosis en un hospital universitario en Popayán. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de neurocisticercosis que ingresaron al Hospital Universitario San José entre enero 2014 y diciembre 2018 que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 50 pacientes, de estos, 40 (80%) reingresaron, encontrándose que 37 (74%) presentaron epilepsia como secuela. Las edades más afectadas fueron la de 41 a 60 años; 48 (96%) provenían del departamento del Cauca en especial de Mercaderes, y 33 (66%) de área rural. El síndrome convulsivo fue la manifestación clínica de ingreso más frecuente. La TAC fue la técnica de imagen de elección. CONCLUSIÓN: El departamento del Cauca se considera como una de las áreas endémicas para neurocisticercosis en Colombia, y la epilepsia secundaria es un secuela común.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Neurocysticercosis is an infection of the central nervous system caused by the larval stage of the cestode Taenia solium, it has been estimated to produce up to 30% of the cases in countries where this parasitosis is endemic. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of patients who presented epilepsy as a sequel of neurocysticercosis in a university hospital in Popayán. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted with all patients with a diagnosis of neurocysticercosis who were admitted to the Hospital Universitario San José between January 2014 and December 2018 who met the inclusion criteria. RESULTS: We found 50 patients, 40 (80%) of which were readmitted and 37 (74%) presented epilepsy as sequela. The most affected age-group was 41 to 60 years; 48 (96%) were from the department of Cauca, especially Mercaderes, and 33 (66%) from rural areas. Convulsive syndrome was the most frequent clinical manifestation on admission. CT was the imaging technique of choice. CONCLUSION: The department of Cauca is considered as an endemic area for neurocysticercosis, and secondary epilepsy was a common consequence.

Neurocysticercosis , Epilepsy , Seizures , Taenia solium , Helminths
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1433900


La Liga Chilena contra la Epilepsia (LICHE), es una corporación sin fines de lucro, dedicada a apoyar a los pacientes con epilepsia y su entorno, educar en epilepsia, solidarizar con ellos en los aspectos psicosociales y socioeconómicos, procurándoles una mejor calidad de vida. Es parte del capítulo del International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE). Cumple 70 años de labor y en este artículo se expone su historia y trayectoria, siendo un ejemplo mundial de manejo integral de pacientes con epilepsia y el impacto en la comunidad.

The Chilean League against Epilepsy (LICHE), a non-profit corporation, dedicated to supporting patients with epilepsy and their environment, educating in epilepsy, solidarity with them in psychosocial and socioeconomic aspects, worrying about a better quality of life. It is part of the chapter of the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE). It celebrates 70 years of work and this article exposes its history and trajectory, being a world example of integral management of patients with epilepsy and the impact on the community

Humans , Organizations/organization & administration , Epilepsy/prevention & control , Epilepsy/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Health Education
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(1): e202202677, feb. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1413008


El síndrome de deficiencia del transportador de glucosa tipo 1 es una enfermedad de causa genética, que involucra el gen SLC2A1. En general, se presenta durante los primeros años de vida con retraso en la adquisición de pautas madurativas, epilepsia farmacorresistente y desórdenes del movimiento. La clínica y la disminución de glucosa en líquido cefalorraquídeo permiten sospechar el diagnóstico, el cual debe ser confirmado mediante el estudio molecular del gen SLC2A1. Debido a que se trata de una enfermedad poco frecuente y de expresión clínica variable, el diagnóstico precoz suele representar un desafío para los equipos de salud. Este es importante, ya que la implementación de la terapia cetogénica logra controlar las manifestaciones clínicas y mejora el pronóstico a largo plazo. Presentamos una revisión sobre el déficit del transportador de glucosa tipo 1, que abarca sus características clínicas, bioquímicas, moleculares y terapéuticas.

Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency with a typical onset is a genetic disorder associated with the SLC2A1 gene. Usually appears during the first years of life with severe developmental delay, drugresistant epilepsy, and movement disorders. Diagnosis is suspected based on clinical manifestations and a low glucose level in cerebrospinal fluid, and should be confirmed by the molecular genetic study of the SLC2A1 gene. As it is a rare disease with variable clinical expression, early diagnosis is often challenging for the healthcare team. Nevertheless, this is important because early implementation of ketogenic therapy will lead to control of the clinical manifestations and a better long-term prognosis. Here we review the glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome focusing on its clinical, biochemical, molecular, and therapeutic characteristics.

Humans , Carbohydrate Metabolism, Inborn Errors/diagnosis , Carbohydrate Metabolism, Inborn Errors/genetics , Carbohydrate Metabolism, Inborn Errors/therapy , Monosaccharide Transport Proteins/genetics , Epilepsy/diagnosis , Epilepsy/genetics , Mutation
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(60): 15-22, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1411181


A epilepsia configura-se como sendo uma patologia crónica oriunda de manifestação elétrica cerebral de caráter anormal, que ocasiona repercussões neurológicas. O tratamento da epilepsia emprega a administração medicamentosa e também pode utilizar o recurso da dieta cetogénica. Sabe-se que o recurso da utilização da dieta cetogênica para enfrentamento da epilepsia promove repercussões a nível da saúde bucal dos enfermos em tratamento. O objetivo deste artigo foi evidenciar como o emprego da dieta cetogênica na terapia utilizada para enfrentamento da epilepsia pode influenciar na saúde bucal dos indivíduos em tratamento. O tratamento medicamentoso da epilepsia emprega anticonvulsivantes e muitas vezes requer o uso de mais de um medicamento para tratamento, o que pode acarretar efeitos adversos a nível sistêmico e oral. Merecem atenção e cuidados odontológicos comumente o tratamento com fármacos por intermédio da administração da fenitoína, geralmente utilizada para tratamento da epilepsia, que pode trazer repercussões odontológicas e alterações periodontais, como a hiperplasia gengival. O conhecimento e a conscientização por parte dos cirurgiões dentistas acerca dos cuidados odontológicos que devem ser adotados para esses pacientes especiais portadores de epilepsia são de suma importância para realização de uma abordagem odontológica. Concluiu-se que as repercussões bucais oriundas da epilepsia devem ser identificadas e tratadas imediatamente, ao passo que o cirurgião dentista contata os pacientes enfermos, uma vez que caso contrário pode-se conviver com agravantes e piora no quadro odontológico apresentado, portanto deve-se primar por impedir a evolução desfavorável do estado de saúde bucal dos pacientes.

Epilepsy is a chronic pathology arising from an abnormal electrical brain manifestation, which causes neurological repercussions. The treatment of epilepsy employs drug administration and can also use the ketogenic diet. It is known that the use of the ketogenic diet to cope with epilepsy promotes repercussions in terms of the oral health of patients undergoing treatment. The objective of this article was to show how the use of the ketogenic diet in the therapy used to cope with epilepsy can influence the oral health of individuals undergoing treatment. Drug treatment of epilepsy uses anticonvulsants and often requires the use of more than one drug for treatment, which can lead to adverse systemic and oral effects. Treatment with drugs through the administration of phenytoin, generally used for the treatment of epilepsy, which can bring dental repercussions and periodontal changes, such as gingival hyperplasia, deserves attention and dental care. Knowledge and awareness on the part of dental surgeons about the dental care that should be adopted for these special patients with epilepsy are of paramount importance for carrying out a dental approach. It was concluded that the oral repercussions arising from epilepsy should be identified and treated immediately, while the dental surgeon contacts sick patients, since otherwise one can live with aggravating factors and worsening of the dental condition presented, therefore, one should excel in preventing the unfavorable evolution of the patients' oral health status.

Oral Health , Dentistry , Epilepsy/therapy , Diet, Ketogenic
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 453-458, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985890


Objective: To analyze the clinical features of children with uridine responsive developmental epileptic encephalopathy 50 (DEE50) caused by CAD gene variants. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 6 patients diagnosed with uridine-responsive DEE50 caused by CAD gene variants at Beijing Children's Hospital and Peking University First Hospital from 2018 to 2022. The epileptic seizures, anemia, peripheral blood smear, cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), visual evoked potential (VEP), genotype features and the therapeutic effect of uridine were descriptively analyzed. Results: A total of 6 patients, including 3 boys and 3 girls, aged 3.5(3.2,5.8) years, were enrolled in this study. All patients presented with refractory epilepsy, anemia with anisopoikilocytosis and global developmental delay with regression. The age of epilepsy onset was 8.5 (7.5, 11.0) months, and focal seizures were the most common seizure type (6 cases). Anemia ranged from mild to severe. Four patients had peripheral blood smears prior to uridine administration, showing erythrocytes of variable size and abnormal morphology, and normalized at 6 (2, 8) months after uridine supplementation. Two patients suffered from strabismus, 3 patients had VEP examinations, indicating of suspicious optic nerve involvement, and normal fundus examinations. VEP was re-examined at 1 and 3 months after uridine supplementation, suggesting significant improvement or normalization. Cranial MRI were performed at 5 patients, demonstrating cerebral and cerebellar atrophy. They had cranial MRI re-examined after uridine treatment with a duration of 1.1 (1.0, 1.8) years, indicating significant improvement in brain atrophy. All patients received uridine orally at a dose of 100 mg/(kg·d), the age at initiation of uridine treatment was 1.0 (0.8, 2.5) years, and the duration of treatment was 2.4 (2.2, 3.0) years. Immediate cession of seizures was observed within days to a week after uridine supplementation. Four patients received uridine monotherapy and were seizure free for 7 months, 2.4 years, 2.4 years and 3.0 years respectively. One patient achieved seizure free for 3.0 years after uridine supplementation and had discontinued uridine for 1.5 years. Two patients were supplemented with uridine combined with 1 to 2 anti-seizure medications and had a reduced seizure frequency of 1 to 3 times per year, and they had achieved seizure free for 8 months and 1.4 years respectively. Conclusions: The clinical manifestations of DEE50 caused by CAD gene variants present a triad of refractory epilepsy, anemia with anisopoikilocytosis, and psychomotor retardation with regression, accompanied by suspected optic nerve involvement, all of which respond to uridine treatment. Prompt diagnosis and immediate uridine supplementation could lead to significant clinical improvement.

Male , Female , Humans , Child , Infant , Epilepsy/genetics , Retrospective Studies , Drug Resistant Epilepsy , Uridine , Evoked Potentials, Visual , Anemia , Electroencephalography/adverse effects , Neurodegenerative Diseases
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics ; (6): 344-348, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970930


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the genetic etiology of a patient with epilepsy and provide genetic counseling.@*METHODS@#A patient who had visited the Center for Reproductive Medicine of Shandong University on November 11, 2020 was selected as the study subject, and her clinic information was collected. Candidate variant was identified through whole exome sequencing (WES), and Sanger sequencing was used for validation. Possible transcriptional changes caused by the variant was detected by reverse transcription-PCR and Sanger sequencing.@*RESULTS@#The patient was a 35-year-old female with no fever at the onset, loss of consciousness and abnormal firing in the temporal lobe, manifesting predominantly as convulsions and fainting. WES revealed that she had harbored a heterozygous c.2841+5G>A variant of the SCN9A gene, which was verified by Sanger sequencing. cDNA sequencing confirmed that 154 bases were inserted between exons 16 and 17 of the SCN9A gene, which probably produced a truncated protein and affected the normal function of the SCN9A protein. Based on the guidelines from the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, the c.2841+5G>A variant was classified as likely pathogenic (PVS1_Strong+PM2_Supporting).@*CONCLUSION@#The c.2841+5G>A variant of the SCN9A gene probably underlay the epilepsy in this patient. Above finding has enriched the variant spectrum of the SCN9A gene and provided a basis for the prenatal diagnosis and preimplantation genetic testing for this patient.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Epilepsy/genetics , Seizures , Exons , DNA, Complementary , Genetic Counseling
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 305-312, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970044


BACKGROUND@#Epilepsy accounts for a significant portion of the global disease burden. However, little is known about the disease burden of epilepsy in China and its provinces.@*METHODS@#We assessed the burden of epilepsy in China and its provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions from 1990 to 2019. Burden was measured as incidence, prevalence, deaths, years lived with disability, years of life lost, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), by age, sex, year, and province. We used the Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) to determine the association between the provincial development level and age-standardized DALY rates of epilepsy from 1990 to 2019.@*RESULTS@#In 2019, epilepsy caused 1367.51 thousand (95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 979.92-1837.61 thousand) DALYs, and the age-standardized DALY rate was 99.77 (95% UI: 71.33-133.52)/100,000. The age-standardized incidence and prevalence rates for epilepsy in China were 24.65/100,000 and 219.69/100,000, increased by 45.00% (95% UI: 8.03-98.74%) and 35.72% (95% UI: 0.47-86.19%) compared with that in 1990, respectively. From 1990 to 2019, the proportion of DALY caused by epilepsy in the age group under 25 years steadily decreased. The proportion of DALYs caused by epilepsy in people aged 50 years and over increased from 9.45% and 10.22% in 1990 to 29.01% and 32.72% for male and female individuals in 2019, respectively. The highest age-standardized mortality rates were seen in Tibet (4.26 [95% UI: 1.43-5.66]/100,000), Qinghai (1.80 [95% UI: 1.15-2.36]/100,000), and Yunnan (1.30 [95% UI: 0.88-1.62]/100,000), and the lowest mortality rates were in Guangdong (0.48 [95% UI: 0.39-0.64]/100,000), Zhejiang (0.56 [95% UI: 0.44-0.70]/100,000), and Shanghai (0.57 [95% UI: 0.41-0.73]/100,000). The age-standardized DALY rates across the country and in provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions generally decreased as their SDI increased.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The disease burden of epilepsy is still heavy in China, especially in the western provinces. The incidence and prevalence of epilepsy increased between 1990 and 2019, and the burden of epilepsy in the elderly increases gradually. This study provides evidence on epilepsy prevention and care of different regions in China.

Aged , Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Adult , Global Burden of Disease , China/epidemiology , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Cost of Illness , Epilepsy/epidemiology , Prevalence
Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 236-244, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982677


Cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychotropic phytocannabinoid that was once largely disregarded, is currently the subject of significant medicinal study. CBD is found in Cannabis sativa, and has a myriad of neuropharmacological impacts on the central nervous system, including the capacity to reduce neuroinflammation, protein misfolding and oxidative stress. On the other hand, it is well established that CBD generates its biological effects without exerting a large amount of intrinsic activity upon cannabinoid receptors. Because of this, CBD does not produce undesirable psychotropic effects that are typical of marijuana derivatives. Nonetheless, CBD displays the exceptional potential to become a supplementary medicine in various neurological diseases. Currently, many clinical trials are being conducted to investigate this possibility. This review focuses on the therapeutic effects of CBD in managing neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. Overall, this review aims to build a stronger understanding of CBD and provide guidance for future fundamental scientific and clinical investigations, opening a new therapeutic window for neuroprotection. Please cite this article as: Tambe SM, Mali S, Amin PD, Oliveira M. Neuroprotective potential of Cannabidiol: Molecular mechanisms and clinical implications. J Integr Med. 2023; 21(3): 236-244.

Humans , Cannabidiol/therapeutic use , Neuroprotection , Cannabinoids/therapeutic use , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Cannabis , Neuroprotective Agents/therapeutic use
Journal of Central South University(Medical Sciences) ; (12): 691-697, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982338


OBJECTIVES@#Clinically, it has been found that some patients with epilepsy are accompanied by cerebellar atrophy that is inconsistent with symptoms, but the pattern of cerebellar atrophy after epilepsy and the role of cerebellar atrophy in the mechanism of epilepsy have not been elucidated. This study aims to explore the specific pattern of cerebellar atrophy after epilepsy via analyzing magnetic resonance images in patients with postepileptic cerebellar atrophy.@*METHODS@#A total of 41 patients with epilepsy, who received the treatment in Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from January 2017 to January 2022 and underwent cranial MRI examination, were selected as the case group. The results of cranial MRI examination of all patients showed cerebellar atrophy. In the same period, 41 cases of physical examination were selected as the control group. General clinical data and cranial MRI results of the 2 groups were collected. The maximum area and signal of dentate nucleus, the maximum width of the brachium pontis, the maximum anterior-posterior diameter of the pontine, and the maximum transverse area of the fourth ventricle were compared between the 2 groups. The indexes with difference were further subjected to logistic regression analysis to clarify the characteristic imaging changes in patients with cerebellar atrophy after epilepsy.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, the maximum width of the brachium pontis and the maximum anterior-posterior diameter of the pontine were decreased significantly, the maximum transverse area of the fourth ventricle was increased significantly in the case group (all P<0.05). The difference in distribution of the low, equal, and high signal in dentate nucleus between the 2 groups was statistically significant (χ2=43.114, P<0.001), and the difference in the maximum area of dentate nucleus between the 2 groups was not significant (P>0.05). The maximum width of the brachium pontis [odds ratio (OR)=3.327, 95% CI 1.454 to 7.615, P=0.004] and the maximum transverse area of the fourth ventricle (OR=0.987, 95% CI 0.979 to 0.995, P=0.002) were independent factors that distinguished cerebellar atrophy after epilepsy from the normal control, while the anterior-posterior diameter of pontine (OR=1.456, 95% CI 0.906 to 2.339, P>0.05) was not an independent factor that distinguished them.@*CONCLUSIONS@#In MRI imaging, cerebellar atrophy after epilepsy is manifested as significant atrophy of the brachium pontis, significant enlargement of the fourth ventricle, and increased dentate nucleus signaling while insignificant dentate nucleus atrophy. This particular pattern may be associated with seizures and exacerbated pathological processes.

Humans , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Pons , Epilepsy/diagnostic imaging , Atrophy/pathology , Cerebellum/pathology
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics ; (6): 887-891, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981842


The GATOR1 complex is located at the upstream of the mTOR signal pathway and can regulate the function of mTORC1. Genetic variants of the GATOR1 complex are closely associated with epilepsy, developmental delay, cerebral cortical malformation and tumor. This article has reviewed the research progress in diseases associated with genetic variants of the GATOR1 complex, with the aim to provide a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of such patients.

Humans , GTPase-Activating Proteins/metabolism , Signal Transduction/genetics , Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1/metabolism , Epilepsy/genetics , Neoplasms
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics ; (6): 828-832, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981830


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the clinical and genetic characteristics of two children with Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS).@*METHODS@#Two children who had presented at the Department of Pediatrics, General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University respectively on January 26 and March 18, 2021 were selected as the study subjects. Clinical data and results of genetic testing of the two patients were analyzed.@*RESULTS@#Both children had featured developmental delay, characteristic facies and cardiovascular malformation. Child 1 also had subclinical hypothyroidism, whilst child 2 had occurrence of epilepsy. Genetic testing revealed that child 1 has harbored a 1.54 Mb deletion in the 7q11.23 region, whilst child 2 has a 1.53 Mb deletion in the same region, in addition with a c.158G>A variant of the ATP1A1 gene and a c.12181A>G variant of the KMT2C gene. Based on the guidelines from the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, the c.158G>A and c.12181A>G variants were rated as variants of unknown significance (PM1+PM2_Supporting+PP2+PP3;PM2_Supporting).@*CONCLUSION@#Both children had characteristic features of WBS, for which deletions of the 7q11.23 region may be accountable. For children manifesting developmental delay, facial dysmorphism and cardiovascular malformations, the diagnosis of WBS should be suspected, and genetic testing should be recommended to confirm the diagnosis.

Child , Humans , Williams Syndrome/diagnosis , Genetic Testing , Facies , Epilepsy/genetics , Chromosomes, Human, Pair 7/genetics , Chromosome Deletion
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics ; (6): 756-761, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981821


Epilepsies are a group of chronic neurological disorders characterized by spontaneous recurrent seizures caused by abnormal synchronous firing of neurons and transient brain dysfunction. The underlying mechanisms are complex and not yet fully understood. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, as a condition of excessive accumulation of unfolded and/or misfolded proteins in the ER lumen, has been considered as a pathophysiological mechanism of epilepsy in recent years. ER stress can enhance the protein processing capacity of the ER to restore protein homeostasis through unfolded protein response, which may inhibit protein translation and promote misfolded protein degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome system. However, persistent ER stress can also cause neuronal apoptosis and loss, which may aggravate the brain damage and epilepsy. This review has summarized the role of ER stress in the pathogenesis of genetic epilepsy.

Humans , Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress/genetics , Unfolded Protein Response , Endoplasmic Reticulum/pathology , Apoptosis , Epilepsy/genetics
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics ; (6): 552-557, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981787


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical phenotype and genetic basis of a child with epilepsy and global developmental delay.@*METHODS@#A child with epilepsy and global developmental delay who had visited West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University on April 1, 2021 was selected as the study subject. Clinical data of the child were reviewed. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the child and his parents. Whole exome sequencing (WES) was carried out for the child, and candidate variant was verified by Sanger sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. A literature review was also carried out by searching databases such as Wanfang data knowledge service platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, PubMed, ClinVar and Embase to summarize the clinical phenotypes and genotypes of the affected children.@*RESULTS@#The child was a 2-year-and-2-month-old male with epilepsy, global developmental delay and macrocephaly. Results of WES showed that the child has harbored a c.1427T>C variant of the PAK1 gene. Sanger sequencing confirmed that neither of his parents has carried the same variant. Only one similar case had been recorded by the dbSNP, OMIM, HGMD, and ClinVar databases. No frequency for this variant among Asian population was available in the ExAC, 1000 Genomes, and gnomAD databases. Prediction with IFT, PolyPhen-2, LRT, Mutation Taster, and FATHMM online software suggested that this variant is deleterious to the function of encoded protein. Based on the Standards and Guidelines for the Interpretation of Sequence Variants: A Joint Consensus Recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), the PAK1 gene c.1427T>C variant was determined to be likely pathogenic.@*CONCLUSION@#The PAK1 gene c.1427T>C variant probably underlay the epilepsy and global developmental delay in this child, which has provided a reference for the clinical diagnosis and genetic counseling in children with similar disorders.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , China , Computational Biology , Consensus , Epilepsy/genetics , Genotype , Mutation , p21-Activated Kinases/genetics
Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 272-279, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981539


Accurate source localization of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) is the primary condition of surgical removal of EZ. The traditional localization results based on three-dimensional ball model or standard head model may cause errors. This study intended to localize the EZ by using the patient-specific head model and multi-dipole algorithms using spikes during sleep. Then the current density distribution on the cortex was computed and used to construct the phase transfer entropy functional connectivity network between different brain areas to obtain the localization of EZ. The experiment result showed that our improved methods could reach the accuracy of 89.27% and the number of implanted electrodes could be reduced by (19.34 ± 7.15)%. This work can not only improve the accuracy of EZ localization, but also reduce the additional injury and potential risk caused by preoperative examination and surgical operation, and provide a more intuitive and effective reference for neurosurgeons to make surgical plans.

Humans , Scalp , Brain Mapping/methods , Epilepsy/diagnosis , Electroencephalography/methods , Brain
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-10, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469019


Only few studies have focus on animals that received Pilocarpine (Pilo) and did not develop behavioral status epilepticus (SE) and, whether they may become epileptic in the model's chronic phase. Previews works observed mossy fiber sprouting in the hippocampus of Non-SE (NSE) rats, while others observed spontaneous and recurrent seizures (SRS) 6 - 8 months after animals received Pilo. It is known that neuronal excitability is influenced by female hormones, as well as, the occurrence of SE in castrated and non-castrated female rats. However, it is not known whether females that received Pilo and did not show SE, may have SRS. The aim of this work was to investigate whether castrated and non-castrated female rats that did not show behavioral SE after Pilo, will develop SRS in the following one-year. For that, animals received 360 mg/kg of Pilo and were video monitored for 12 months. SE females from castrated and non-castrated groups became epileptic since the first month after drug injection. Epileptic behaviors were identified watching video monitoring recordings in the fast speed. Castrated and Non castrated NSE animals showed behaviors resembling seizures described by Racine Scale stages 1 - 3. Motor alterations showed by NSE groups could be observed only when recordings were analyzed in slow speed. In addition, behavioral manifestations as, rhythmic head movements, sudden head movements, whole body movements and immobility were also observed in both, SE and NSE groups. We concluded that NSE female rats may have become epileptic. Adding to it, slow speed analysis of motor alterations was essential for the observation of NSE findings, which suggests that possibly many motor alterations have been underestimated in epilepsy experimental research.

Poucos são os estudos com foco em animais que receberam Pilocarpina (Pilo) e não desenvolveram status epilepticus (SE) comportamental e, se os mesmos se tornarão epilépticos na fase crônica do modelo. Autores observaram o brotamento das fibras musgosas no hipocampo de ratos Não-SE (NSE), enquanto outros observaram crises espontâneas e recorrentes (CER) 6 - 8 meses após receberam a droga. A excitabilidade neuronal é influenciada pelos hormônios femininos e, da mesma forma, a ocorrência de SE em ratas castradas e não-castradas. Entretanto, não é sabido se as fêmeas que não apresentam SE terão CER. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se fêmeas castradas e não castradas que não tiveram SE comportamental após a injeção de Pilo desenvolverão CER dentro de um ano. Para isto, os animais receberam 360 mg/kg de Pilo e foram videomonitorados por 12 meses. As fêmeas SE castradas e não-castradas se tornaram epilépticas desde o primeiro mês pós Pilo. O comportamento epiléptico foi identificado assistindo as gravações na velocidade rápida. As fêmeas NSE castradas e não-castradas apresentaram comportamentos similares aos estágios 1 - 3 da Escala de Racine. As alterações motoras nestes grupos (NSE) foram observadas apenas quando as videomonitoração foi analisada na velocidade lenta. Além destas, manifestações comportamentais como movimentos rítmicos da cabeça, movimentos súbitos da cabeça, movimentos de todo o corpo e imobilidade também foram observadas em ambos grupos, SE e NSE. Concluímos que as fêmeas NE podem ter se tornado epilépticas. Adicionado a isto, a análise das alterações motoras na velocidade lenta foi essencial para a observação dos achados das fêmeas NSE, o que sugere que possivelmente muitas alterações motoras têm sido subestimados na pesquisa em epilepsia experimental.

Female , Animals , Rats , Epilepsy/chemically induced , Epilepsy/veterinary , Models, Animal , Pilocarpine/administration & dosage , Pilocarpine/adverse effects , Pilocarpine/pharmacology
S. Afr. med. j. (Online) ; 113(1): 42-48, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1412828


Background. Epilepsy is often diagnosed through clinical description, but inter-observer interpretations can be diverse and misleading. Objective. To assess the utility of smartphone videos in the diagnosis of paediatric epilepsy.Methods. The literature was reviewed for evidence to support the use of smartphone videos, inclusive of advantages, ethical practice and potential disadvantages. An existing adult-based quality of video (QOV) scoring tool was adapted for use in children. A pilot study used convenience sampling of videos from 25 patients, which were reviewed to assess the viability of the adapted QOV tool against the subsequent diagnosis for the patients with videos. The referral mechanism of the videos was reviewed for the source and consent processes followed. Results. A total of 14 studies were identified. Methodologies varied; only three focused on videos of children, and QOV was formally scored in three. Studies found that smartphone videos of good quality assisted the differentiation of epilepsy from non-epileptic events, especially with accompanying history and with more experienced clinicians. The ethics and risks of circulation of smartphone videos were briefly considered in a minority of the reports. The pilot study found that the adapted QOV tool correlated with videos of moderate and high quality and subsequent diagnostic closure.Conclusions. Data relating to the role of smartphone video of events in children is lacking, especially from low- and middle-income settings. Guidelines for caregivers to acquire good-quality videos are not part of routine practice. The ethical implications of transfer of sensitive material have not been adequately addressed for this group. Prospective multicentre studies are needed to formally assess the viability of the adapted QOV tool for paediatric videos.

Humans , Male , Female , Seizures , Cell Phone , Epilepsy , Smartphone , Video Recording , Diagnosis